Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Chicagoland/QC Lifestyle Photographer | My Lil' Accountant

Meet my little guy. This year I wanted to do something extra special for my husband for Father's Day. Since Father's Day is in June, and I had already had this outfit picked out specifically for this concept, his present had to wait until a much cooler afternoon came along. Thus, the reason why they were taken in October. 
In order to understand things you must know that our son is a very interesting character. He is always trying to get us to laugh and smile. So, when I came up with the idea, I knew the pictures would make a nice addition to the collection my husband has displayed in his office. What I didn't expect were the reactions and facial expressions my son would have produced completely on his own accord. Here's hoping these bring a smile to Dada's face even when he is buried under a huge stack of papers come April 15th.

 Shy guy...

"Really?!?!"  (This is the face my husband usually gives to people who ask him dumb questions.) 
WT Fruit Snack? Things just wont add up!
 Oh! Now I see...
 My bad. You didn't see nothin'!

Chicagoland/QC Lifestyle Photographer | My Favorite Smiley Girls

I have had the honor of photographing these little cutie pies since they were fresh out of the oven. And I must say that they are only getting more adorable. These two precious sweethearts always have a way of bringing a smile to my face. 

I love you...here is a handful of grass.

Spin me!

Chicagoland/QC Lifestyle Photographer | Otten Family Session

I have the pleasure of photographing this wonderful family every fall. Only this year, I was given a little added bonus. Spunky little Jackson had me running all over the place trying to capture his natural smile. And luckily for me, he stopped just long enough for me to capture a cute embrace with his (soon to arrive) little sister.  

Happy family enjoying a little warm weather and some sunshine.

 Hi Sister! 
How can you say no to such a handsome face.... 

 The End!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Chicagoland/QC Lifestyle Photographer | Baby # 2 Maternity Session

Here are some sneak peeks from my recent session with the I Family. They are awaiting the arrival of Baby #2 and we could not be more excited for them. Check back soon to see the precious newborn pictures of this little bundle of joy.

 Baby Love

Beautiful Family of 3, about to become an amazing family of 4.


Hello Everyone! This is my new blog. The plan is to keep everyone updated on whats happening with me & my business. I'm not the best at posting everyday, but I'm going to try. I look forward to meeting other photographers as well as people who share the same passion & love that I have for photography. Comments are always welcomed and encouraged. Have a wonderful day!